I trust you and your families are all coping okay during COVID. It is timely to provide you with an update on COVID’s impact on Zanshin Martial Arts for our NSW dojos. The NSW Government has outlined the NSW Roadmap to come out of COVID. It is a light at the end of the tunnel. The Roadmap is hopefully a positive path for our return to a post-COVID normal.

For Zanshin NSW dojos, at this stage there are two key dates when restrictions are expected to ease. At least one of the key dates is tied to COVID double-dose vaccination rates so, depending upon vaccination rates, the dates may change.

The first date for NSW dojos is the Monday after NSW reaches the 80% double-dose vaccination rate. That is when restrictions are expected to ease for activities including organised sport for fully vaccinated adults (16+ and those with medical exemptions) with all premises operating at 1 person per 4sqm indoors with limits on maximum numbers.

Currently, the area including Queanbeyan and our four NSW dojos is the subject of COVID Health Stay at Home Orders. When the Stay at Home Orders are lifted, and when NSW reaches the 80% double vaccination rate, and when Community Sport is permitted, we hope to re-open our NSW dojos.

From 1 December further changes will be introduced including all venues moving to the 2sqm rule and masks not required indoors. Unvaccinated people will have greater freedoms. COVID safety requirements will apply. The full return to post-COVID normal is staged and will be in accordance with NSW Government requirements for our NSW dojos.
I will keep you informed as we move closer to a return to Zanshin training.

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I am really looking forward to the NSW COVID Roadmap ahead and resuming the fantastic training we share together. Please stay healthy and look after each other.